Delian Tomb Maps
I am starting a new Pathfinder 2e Campaign, set in my homebrew world, and the first dungeon the party will be going to at first level is Matt Colville's Delian Tomb. I have made some modifications to the map which I made with Inkarnate, and also to what's inside the tomb. My notes for this dungeon are listed below based off of the Pathfinder 2e rules for granting Experience and Treasure.
Treasure Total: 82g, 56s, 40c (87g, 4s)
Each Goblin: 7s, 5c
Bugbear Boss: 14g
Cult Prophet: 27g
Each Mummy: 9g
Mummy Lord: Alder Greatsword of Law 33g
Alder Greatsword of Law (Level 2): +1/+1 Against Chaotic Creatures
Area 1: Outside the Tomb
Goblin Patrol (100 XP): 2 Goblins + Goblin Dog (It takes 5 minutes to complete a patrol, and the patrol is halfway through a round when the party shows up. If the party kills the guards and doesn't watch for Patrol, the Patrol will flank them after they enter the tomb.)
Goblin Guards (60 XP): 2 Goblins
Pressure Plate Trap (30XP): To-Hit: +8, Damage: 1d6+3 (Critical: +1d10)
Goblin Living Area (140XP): 1 Goblin + 1 Goblin Dogs
Boss Room (180XP): Bugbear Thug + 2 Goblin Warriors + Prophet
Knight’s Room (150XP): Mummy+2 Weak Mummies
Map Info:
61 x 34 size maps for my version of the Delian Tomb, a dungeon originally created by Matt Colville. Maps included are a day time, and night time maps, as well as a daytime map with dark interior.
Link to Matt Colville's Video: